Saturday, September 23, 2017

The following images were taken before the class of Friday the 22nd.  I went with Georgette and Rosalinda to the Lincoln Memorial for sunrise.  While the sunrise was was mostly concealed by cloud cover, I took several photos of the photographers at the Reflecting Pool who were there for the same reason and the view of the Monument and the Capitol.


  1. Great images! I like them because they capture human activity in a larger context. I like image #2 the most because the way the wind is reflected in the water plus all the human activity at the reflecting pool.
    Image #5 may be illustrating quite well an approach to digital imaging these days: get 2 nice cameras, tripods, filters, and some more electronics, one camera shoots overexposed and the second underexposed, let the cameras shoot continuously for 2 hours, then go home to merge the exposures you like.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Rosalinda, helpful and yes, the two with the cameras on tripods were shooting an image every minute to create time-lapse as a project.

  2. i think the second shot is really interesting

  3. Absolutely love numbers 2 and 5 of the sunrise photographers on the Mall!

  4. I like 1 - sharp where it should be, the composition artfully capturing the personal experience of a young couple claiming that vantage point.
