Saturday, September 23, 2017

reflections Jim Forsberg


  1. The corner reflection of the monument in the nmaah walls is good composition and interesting point of view

  2. Very nice reflections! I also like image #4 the most--if it was up to me I would use this image to represent NMAAH. I also like the almost light pastels reflection of the Washington Monument. I also like the last three images with their simplicity of various green colors, the reflection of the tree, and the algae--very serene and zen in colors and tones.

  3. Love your reflections, especially number 4.

  4. 5 and 7 remind me of your monument base shot, effectively using straight forward, straight on two-point perspective and big space. The images from everyone this week show such variety from close abstract details to a real sense of place in your wide views. Another one I like is looking into the Museum's interior space and light from the corner.
