Saturday, September 9, 2017

Mall Crawl -- Georgette Walsh (

Hello everyone,

It was great meeting everyone for our first Mall Crawl yesterday. This is my first blog attempt. I have my fingers crossed that it will be successful. 

I set up my Google Account quite some time ago using a gmail address, but my real email address is I check daily. I will check my gmail address during the class, just to be on safe side since that is how I am listed in Google.

Here are a few of my photos from our class yesterday. The bee landing (without stinging) on this particular flower in the Ripley Garden was an added plus. It took me quite a while to photograph this  flower. Initially there was too much light, then there was not enough. Fortunately, when the bee landed, I had gotten the light just about right or in the happy middle.

I thought the shadows beneath the flowers were inspiring. That was added plus too. Yesterday was the first time I really saw the ??? in the reflecting pool in the Moon Garden too. And, who can pass up fruit and vegetables at the Farmer's Market! Cool. 

Comments for improvement are welcome and encouraged, especially if you have any tips on taking photos at high noon or thereabouts. Thanks!


  1. Hey Georgette--the bee is awesome. I love serendipity like that. I especially like the squashes--they have such a nice sense of solidity. I also find the shadows of the petunias very intriguing. We all struggle with bright sun--:)

    1. Hi Leslie, Glad you like the bee! I do too. The "little stinger" makes the whole picture. The sun is an ongoing challenge. I'm glad now that I'll be taking photos at midday. That will be my new focus: to photograph the world as I see it at high noon. :)

  2. These are so nice! I really like the angle you captured on the reflection in the pond. I also love the apples...makes me want to eat apples! (and buy another 10 pounds to lug home on the metro, lol)

  3. the contrasts in the last shot works really well

  4. I love image #3. The reflection is gorgeous. It looks so peaceful and it is simple beauty. I could look at that image a long time.

  5. Thank you, Leslie, Julie, Barry, and Rosalinda, for your comments!
