Saturday, September 23, 2017

Catching Up

These are the photos I took for the class which began at the Hirshorn.  The top five were taken inside the museum, the bottom photo is of the outdoor fountain which was emptied of water in order to do maintenance.


  1. Excellent images! Images #1, #2, and #4 are wonderful because the way you capture the people in them. You make it look easy to capture images like these but it is not. I love Image #3 with its gorgeous blurred reflection of someone, it makes so dynamic.

  2. I love the people in your photos. They add interest and put the shot in perspective. I especially like numbers 1, 2, and 3.

  3. I like the fountain shot of the H. in the context of art, it seems kind of on a par with the other works, which I imagine the fountain designer could appreciate. Oh, this newish genre - people viewing art - can be rich. The first two share the sense of scale created with viewer small compared with piece.
