Friday, September 22, 2017

Slooowww Walking

I remain uninspired, probably a lack of self motivational energy.

On the way over, we noticed the natural arc of the sprinklers on the mall, a place where we could no doubt not walk.

 I had a thought of shooting tourists being tourists a la Barbara's phone series. But I only did a few which I embedded into the lenses of the bus rear lights.

I was entertained by the drummer next to the stage. He was plugged in listening to music and practicing his rifs. I enjoyed watching the hands but the soft bag robbed me of the acoustics. His cool cat shirt enhanced the mystery of the silent serenade.

We walked to the World War II memorial. WWII vets are dying at the rate of more than 1,000 per day. Most days, grateful Americans fly some of them in from all over the US to visit their Memorial, the "Honor Flight" program. This vet was under the Arizona state marker having his picture taken. I am thankful he served, he probably would be too modest to take the gratitude. I'm glad he visited.

On the other side of the Memorial, someone had left a wreath in honor of a fallen veteran. I wonder about the story.

And, of course, fungi. A veritable nature's garden of this stuff.


  1. i really like the veteran at the WW2 memorial

  2. Hi Lee, Great pix! I knew they were yours the second I saw the fungi (I thought they were mushrooms). Those two are by far my favorites; they have great texture and color. I like the WWII veteran at the Memorial too. The photo makes a statement on many levels: the aftermath of war and the enormity of WWII.

  3. For someone uninspired--these are wonderful images. I love the sprinklers. I, too, wondered if it was ok to walk across the wet grass. Nice way to capturing that moment. Love the vet at the memorial too.

  4. These are wonderful images. I love image #4 of the veteran at WWII. It is the human story of the image that hits the heart and sticks to memory. The way you choose to post process the image underlines the human story of a veteran having served, he is now here, alone, remembering his buddies, and looking at a memorial which honors all of them.

  5. I appreciate writing interspersed, and especially the poignant image of the man at WW II Memorial, and of course your knack with fungus - nice additions to your collection. I even like the way 1 and 2 work together, despite different spins. Shape of framing and rhythm contribute to that.

  6. All very beautiful, but I especially like the fungus.
