Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hirshorn and viscinity - Virginia Merrill

Sorry for posting so many ... making up for missing the first class.


  1. Oh Virginia, these are awesome! It is so much fun to look at them. Think your images capture and reflect a specific moment. Like the one of the statue and the baby. Ditto on The guys playing freebee and the Washington Memorial and the Flag -- very beautiful image. Love your close up of the cabbage. And the image of the pumpkins is great with such nice color composition.

  2. Great pix! I especially like the man looking down at the escalators, the birds on the sculpture, the mother and child on the caarousel, and the pumpkins.

  3. These are wonderful and each tells it's own story. I especially like number 4 (toddler dancing with the sculpture at the Hirshhorn), number 8 (the bird either admiring his [or her] reflection in the NGA Sculpture or wondering who is my new BFF), number 12 (the vertical line of people walking to the Washington Monument), and number 13 (glorious array of gourds). They are all unique in their own way.

  4. I am a huge fan of David Smith's sculpture, so seeing the birds on the piece is just a fabulous way to see an iconic piece anew. Really neat. Your ability to get people at just the right moment is wonderful. Love the little boy with the statue especially .

  5. Can you post too many? It's possible...but you did not! Lots to like, I too especially like the toddler's gesture in response to Munoz.

  6. #3 works well , abstract with a person

  7. Back for another look, this time especially appreciating cabbage detail, squash, and flag / monument juxtaposition.
