Friday, September 15, 2017

I am heading out of town until next Friday, so thought I would post early--then Lee beat me to it! 

This first group is really museum oriented--people, places(two are iphone photos):


  1. These are great. You capture a mood in each photo. I especially like the contrast among the photos, from the couple sharing a quiet study of the painting to the cold functionality of the locker room to the twins engaged in serious conversation.

  2. #4 & #6 are wonderful, great observation at the moment

  3. I agree with Barry and Georgette.

  4. Love #4 - I'm always a sucker for reflections.

  5. The image #1 is great! Love the painting being the focus but it is the focus because of the couple. So the couple is necessary but not the focus of the image. The painting is the focus. And what a wonderful painting it is Daniel in the cave with the Lions. Fantastic!
    But may I ask, why not center the main elements of the image? why do it off center?

  6. Some in genre of museum gazer photos you know so well...the twins had me double-taking after seeing repeated images in reflections...

  7. Great group, especially the top museum shot and the twins
