Monday, September 18, 2017

I chose the photo of the woman in the Hirshorn courtyard to show that on occasion, I do have people in my photos.  I included the woman in the reflection of the Archives building to give some context to the image.  



  1. I like them all but especially the one of the seated woman. The "clinical" metal in the chairs and tables leads my eye to the person, who because of the stark contrast of the shiny metal, becomes more human. An excellent story.

  2. The angles (or point of view) in all the photos is interesting. I especially like the sculpture of the hands and knees (no. 4) and the underneath of the Hirshhorn (no. 3). I like the seated woman also. Lee said it best in his comment.

  3. i like them all especially #6 , the person adds a perfect touch

  4. Jo, very beautiful images! I like image #7 very much--it reminds me of the American Photographer Eliot Porter. I also like the wonderful contrast of the shadows in the background with lighter foreground of image #1. Love #4 with the detail of that statue--the contrast, the perspective, the light, all works well for a very nice composition.

  5. Jo--the last two just knock my socks off :)

  6. Always fun guessing whose while scrolling shots - I did guess you Jo, or possibly Leslie. Especially love your capture of the curious growths on leaves.

  7. #2 and #3 are great point of view so a familiar structure looks fresh. The girl siting among empty chairs is especially effective.
