Friday, September 15, 2017

Plants and People - with Devices

Glad to see the blog becoming a lively place!

Lunch time brought even more folks out to enjoy the day. As for shooting people, this is about as safe and easy a time and place to capture folks relaxing as I can imagine.  Feel free to play the photo class card - I did ("I'm taking pictures with a class today")

Folks going solo and even those with someone but not using a device were not easy to spot. The Make America Folks were using a camera, while one duo tucked in a niche were having an actual conversation, and some of the sod layers or other workers may have been device free, but otherwise people were more or less engaged / attached. I told one duo that my quest was to find device-free people - that would have narrowed down quarries considerably.


  1. I love the two themes: phones & green!

  2. Love #14. at first glance, I thought the guy was taking a nap (or maybe dead, too many mystery books for me).

  3. I love the stories that could be in your photos. The one of the woman sitting on the black iron bench with the salad and the man watching her intently with his hands clasped is my favorite (#9 from the top). My question is this: is he looking deep into her eyes out of interest or does he have dibs on the salad?

  4. I love the woman with the large hat on the b ench and the top photo of the two workers -- great composition.

  5. Exactly! I couldn't find people without devices. It is scary to me. That makes image #1 and the couple in #9 so special. The images of working people are wonderful. I love the last one where they are doing such effort to get the job done. Love images #7 and #10. And the image #13 of workers in movement is fantastic! This image again captures a specific moment and at the time shows time is passing by because of the movement of the workers.
