Friday, November 3, 2017

A Day at the Arboretum

Hello everyone! It was a lovely crawl at the Arboretum. Many of the leaves have turned red or yellow, but there are plenty of green leaves remaining. Other than a few security personnel and the volunteers who help to keep the Arboretum running smoothly, Barbara, Virginia, and I practically had the entire place to ourselves. 


I took the next six photos at the Bonsai Garden/Museum around 3:00 p.m. and learned that the sun casts some interesting shadows at that time of day.

I had been to the museum in the spring and the guide mentioned that some of the Bonsai trees would bloom in the fall and bear full-size fruit even though the trees are trained to remain small. I did not see any blooming Bonsai and only saw one volunteer for a few moments--too few moments for me to ask any questions about the trees. The fruit tree in the photo is a tangerine; it is not a Bonsai.




  1. Beautiful images. I especially like the first and third.

  2. I like especially 3 and 5, also the lemon further down but all good.
