Monday, October 2, 2017

I was in South Dakota during the weekend. Although my camera was almost always in my hand, most of the shots were of the "event" that I was attending. I did not get out much since there was so little time. I did walk down to the river in the rain, I went to an abandoned meat packing facility, and I stopped by a barrel race where I shot this absolutely wonderful horse that was silver, brown, and black which altogether made him BLUE. An awesome horse.


  1. Hi Lee, Great photos! I especially like the remnants of the fish amongst the leaves in number 2. The leaves collectively appear to be fish scales and strangely make the fish whole again. I also love the texture in the abandoned building (number 3) and your last photo of the magnificent horse. If I had to put a caption to the last photo, it would be "And, you would be who exactly?" :)

  2. i like the b & w shots , especially the building demolition
